Thursday, December 15, 2011


Talofa! As you can see, I'm still struggling to figure out all the different "toys" of the technology world. Blogging is an amazing tool that I've yet to conquer. Facebook, as powerful as it is still remains a mystery to me. I can't say much for Twitter. I opened an account, but I think the chirping sounds are still circling above my head. I'm in the process of finally completing a few websites that, as an artist/graphic designer found very difficult to achieve because of my nit-picky mind and wanting to have the best website on the planet. Impossible is what I found this task to be. So, to keep myself sane, I sought assistance from a good friend to ground me of just getting my website up live and work on it from there. That was the best advice anyone could've given me...LOL. So, with me fully embracing technology and it's mysterious, cyberspace toys, I'm happy to say that I'm excited for the future of things to come. Maybe the next time I write, I will have had this "link" thingy figured out. Oh, well, until next you and be true! Peace.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


As part of keeping our traditions and culture alive, we invite you to come and enjoy an evening of learning and a great way to expose our children to knowledge that aren't being taught in our schools and many homes today about our roots. We thank our friends from the Hawaiian Cultural Center in Midvale, UT, the Tupulaga Talavou Samoan Language Initiative and H.Y.P.E. Movement for making it possible. We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


It has been a wonderful journey as I have been lead by divine inspirations to share my talents. Through constant communication, I find myself back to the beautiful state of California. I have had an awesome week being exposed to the Team Uso vision and the full operations of what brought me here four months ago. It was then that I was commissioned by Andre Tua'au of Ohana Wellness Center (OWC) located in Carson, CA to paint one of my artworks on a wall in their facility.

OWC is a trusted, natural, and alternative healthcare facility. They offer a full range of services, including chiropractic treatment, acupuncture, physical therapy, massage therapy, and general medicine. Under one roof, they've incorporated innovative scientific research, alternative health therapies, state-of-the-art technology, and conventional medicine into a customized treatment plan that will bring balance, longevity, and well-being into our lives.

With the stars in alignment and miracles happening, I find myself back with, now a great friend, Andre to further his vision on Ohana. OWC has been in the process of rebranding their identity and have been unveiling their new logo and identity. Ohana's facility is top-notch and needed an identity to parallel their state-of-art business. Below is the finalized logo.

The logo is self-explanatory. The icon consists of a family of sea turtles unified with strength. They are swimming in an upward-right motion to depict a constant growth and moving forward. The colors represent the serenity of the ocean. The new logo plays a lot on the real life of its facility. The staff are amazing and the true spirit of aloha definitely dwells within.

As I prepare to continue my journey back home, I am sad to leave a place of refuge, a place where I've come to call my "home away from home." I have reconnected with friends that have become my ohana, my aiga (Samoan for family). This is where I want to be. To my family, may we reunite again. May our paths cross again. Until then...peace.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Come join us tonight at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building to network, listen and be inspired to assist our Pacific Islander Community in pressing forward in "Navigating Our Future."

I'm excited to see this event come into fruition for I know there was a lot of hard work put into this.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Ok, I see that I still have a lot to learn about I was supposed to post a story they just did on me and my art and forgot...ok, I couldn't figure it out...hahaha. Well, I'm still trying and wish me luck.


Talofa and welcome! It's actually been a few years since I've written. I'm sorry to say that even though many may think I'm technical and computer savvy, one would think that writing a blog might be easy. Well, I spent a lot of time trying to figure this thing out and I'm now starting to get a hang of it. I'm excited to say that I will be writing a lot more often than every two years. It's funny that I'm welcoming you when in actuality, I should be welcoming myself...hahaha! So, to the beginning and continuation of my journey, Godspeed!