Thursday, December 15, 2011


Talofa! As you can see, I'm still struggling to figure out all the different "toys" of the technology world. Blogging is an amazing tool that I've yet to conquer. Facebook, as powerful as it is still remains a mystery to me. I can't say much for Twitter. I opened an account, but I think the chirping sounds are still circling above my head. I'm in the process of finally completing a few websites that, as an artist/graphic designer found very difficult to achieve because of my nit-picky mind and wanting to have the best website on the planet. Impossible is what I found this task to be. So, to keep myself sane, I sought assistance from a good friend to ground me of just getting my website up live and work on it from there. That was the best advice anyone could've given me...LOL. So, with me fully embracing technology and it's mysterious, cyberspace toys, I'm happy to say that I'm excited for the future of things to come. Maybe the next time I write, I will have had this "link" thingy figured out. Oh, well, until next you and be true! Peace.